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Peace of Mind

August 23, 2019 1 min read

Peace of Mind

Your health is important to you, so you want to make sure all the details of your health supplements are checked twice.  We understand.  Here are some of the things we do at Organa to insure you have a quality product.

The Organa factory complies with state and federal laws as a food establishment.  Every year we are inspected and certified in free sale and good manufacturing practices.  

Organa uses High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) bottles.  HDPE bottles are strong, impact resistant and have been sanctioned by the FDA as food safe.  Most importantly, HDPE plastics do not leach chemicals into the contents of the bottle.

After manufacturing, Organa supplements are third party tested for bacteria, yeast and mold.  Those tests are recorded and stored at the factory and are given upon request.

As with any manufacturing facility, we are constantly getting shipments to supply us with the ingredients and bottles we need to make the supplements you love.  At the Organa factory, we try to reuse as much of the packaging that comes in to the factory as possible, cutting down on a lot of waste.


Organa's goal is to provide you with the best health possible by creating supplements that will give you results and peace of mind.  We care about what we do.  


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