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How Magnesium Minerals Can Help with Muscle Tension

August 18, 2022 2 min read

How Magnesium Minerals Can Help with Muscle Tension

How Magnesium Minerals Can Help with Muscle Tension

Magnesium is a mineral that's essential for good health. It's involved in several biochemical reactions in the human body, including helping to maintain nerve function, keep the heart steady, and support a healthy immune system. Magnesium is also important for blood sugar control and blood pressure regulation.

However, let's spotlight how magnesium can help to reduce muscle tension and improve range of motion in people experiencing neck pain.  So many of us when experiencing neck and shoulder pain or headaches, turn to medications that offer pain relief.  Looking for an organic way to ease muscle tension? You may want to consider magnesium supplements. Continue reading to learn more.

1.) Regulate Muscle Contraction

Magnesium plays a considerable role in the human body. It is involved in regulating muscle contraction. When magnesium levels are low, muscles can become tight and uncomfortable. Magnesium supplementation can help increase magnesium levels in the body, which can help reduce any cramps that might impede our quality of life.  

2) Relieve Muscle Stiffness

Magnesium can help relieve muscle stiffness by reducing the amount of calcium that is available to the muscles. When muscles are stiff, they can be difficult to move and cause pain. Magnesium supplementation can help increase the magnesium levels in your body, which contributes to reducing muscle stiffness and helps to increase flexibility and range of motion.  Many of us carry this tension in our neck and shoulders.  Those who suffer with chronic headaches should ask their physician if low magnesium could be a cause.


3) Ease Muscles for Sleep

One of the benefits of magnesium supplements, is that they can help promote relaxation. Magnesium works to relieve muscle tension and help with muscle cramps, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. If you have trouble sleeping, consider taking a magnesium supplement before bed.

4) Aid in Muscle Recovery

Magnesium is a mineral that's crucial to the body's recovery after long and strenuous activities. If you are sore from workouts and movement, your muscles are tired and need to repair themselves. Magnesium supports muscle recovery by assisting the body in producing energy and relaxing the muscles.

5) Helps out Muscles During Menstruation

For some women, muscle cramps and pain can be severe during menstruation. Magnesium is especially important for women during this time because it can help relax the muscles of the uterus and reduces the prostaglandins that cause period pain.


Magnesium can be a helpful mineral for those suffering from muscle tension and pain. By helping to relax the muscles, improve blood circulation, and reduce pain, magnesium can improve the day-to-day life of those suffering from muscle tension.

Looking to trymagnesium? Organa International offers the finest mineral products for your wellness and vitality. Get in touch with us today!

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